Takarazuka, the city which raised God of Manga Osamu Tezuka

Takarazuka, the city which raised God of Manga Osamu Tezuka

Manga is one of the main representatives of Japanese pop culture, but do you know its pioneer ? In Takarazuka city (Hyogo Prefecture), which is also known as a hot spring resort with a history of over 800 years, there is a museum entirely dedicated to Osamu Tezuka.

Osamu Tezuka is widely known not only in Japan, but around the world for his works such as “Astro Boy” and “Black Jack”. What kind of mangaka was he ? What inspired his works ? Let’s go on a journey to learn about the origin of Japanese manga.


Takarazuka City, which Osamu Tezuka Loved


The Muko River that flows through the city of Takarazuka


Osamu Tezuka started his career as a manga artist in 1946, when he was 18 years old. By the time of his death at 60, he had created over 700 works! It is believed that he has drawn a total of over 15,000 manuscipts.


His works, created for children and teenagers and themed around the "love of nature" and "pricelessness of life", are full of a charm that doesn't fade with time.

It is in Takarazuka City that such an author spent his life between his 5th and 24th year.


Takarazuka City is located right in between Kobe and Osaka. It has developed as a luxurious town with hot spring resorts, hotels and a theater along the river, but when Osamu Tezuka spent his boyhood there in the 1930s, away from the town center, there was nothing there but mountains and forests.


As a boy, Osamu Tezuka loved insects so much that he dreamed of becoming an entomologist. He probably learnt about the fragility and beauty of life from the nature of Takarazuka.



Let’s get Immersed in the World of Manga at The Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum


In the lobby,  the main character of the popular work “Princess Knight” greets the visitor



At the Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum, you will be able to immerse into the world of Tezuka, with characters from his works appearing everywhere.


The library, which holds almost all of his works, contains not only Japanese, but also international and Braille editions. Therefore, visitors from overseas can also enjoy its contents.


A French edition of Black Jack


In fact, in addition to being a manga artist, Osamu Tezuka was also a physician. In one of his masterpieces Black Jack, he incorporated his knowledge and experience as a doctor, as well as his philosophy of life.


In the museum, different original animated films are shown every month. (English subtitles available)


A space designed like a studio where you can experience animation creation


It animates two frames of a drawing


There is also a corner where you can try your hand at animation creation, and where you can draw an original animation by tracing a prepared rough sketch. As you go, you might find out that for those who are not good at drawing, it is difficult even just tracing the lines.



You will clearly see Osamu Tezuka’s god-like drawing ability after you try it and look at the manuscripts on display.


Since there are many explanations in English throughout the museum and many devices, even those who have never read his mangas can enjoy it. You might have become a complete fan of manga by the time you leave.



Strolling Around Flower Street, that Osamu Tezuka also Walked Along



Hana-no-michi (Flower Street), which is famous for cherry blossoms in Takarazuka city, is a 400-meter promenade that runs from Takarazuka Station to the Osamu Tezuka Memorial Museum. In spring, the tree-lined avenue turns into an archway of cherry blossoms.





Takarazuka city is located in the southeastern part of Hyogo and is easily accessible from Osaka and Kobe. It is about 30 minutes by train from either city. Surrounded by rich nature, the city is known as a historic hot spring resort, but as well as the home of the Takarazuka Revue. It offers a wide range of spots that you can enjoy sightseeing and cultural experiences away from the hustle of the city. 


Main character of the manga Princess Knight, Sapphire. She is a princess who has the body of a girl and the mind of a boy.


If you take a closer look at the ground, you will notice embedded tiles depicting popular characters of Tezuka's works such as Astro Boy, Black Jack, and Jungle Emperor Leo.


Here, there is also a theater dedicated to the Takarazuka Revue. The Takarazuka Revue is a theater troupe with a history of more than 100 years. Its characteristic is that male roles are also played by women. The beautiful outlook on the work that embodies the universe of manga and anime is loved by people of all ages.


It seems that Osamu Tezuka also went to the theater from his childhood, accompanying his mother who was a fan of the Takarazuka Revue. It is believed that the main character of Princess Knight, which is said to be the first full-length manga for girls, was modeled after the stars of Takarazuka Revue.



Let’s visit Takarazuka Onsen and Iwashizu Shrine to retrace the footsteps of Osamu Tezuka


The open air bath of Hotel Wakamizu


The view from the lobby of Hotel Wakamizu


There are other places in Takarazuka city associated with Osamu Tezuka.One of them is Hotel Wakamizu in Takarazuka hot spring resort.


Wakamizu is a hotel that has an elegant atmosphere that stand along the scenic riverside. Osamu Tezuka once stayed at the hotel with many of his fellow manga artists. There is an illustration he left that commemorates their stay.



Even though Osamu Tezuka often drew popular characters when he gave illustration as a present, the drawing you can see in this hotel is one of a beautiful woman enjoying a hot spring bath.Perhaps the comfort of the hot spring made him draw a different picture than usual. The drawing is displayed in the public area on second floor along with other manga artists' drawings. Anyone staying at the hotel can see it.




Osamu Tezuka’s footprint can also be found at Iwashizu Shrine, which is a historical shrine in Takarazuka city.


It is surprising to see an *Ema displaying a popular character, like Black Jack, depicted in a shrine that has traditional and sacred atmosphere.


* Ema…A board on which you write your wishes to the gods.


These emas were created in honor of genius doctor Black Jack during the COVID-19 pandemic, and has words of prayers and wishes for health and medical care written on it.



In the shrine, an illustration given by Osamu Tezuka is also carefully preserved. It is a rare illustration of Atom, the main character of another Tezuka masterpiece Astro Boy, beating a Japanese drum. It is shown to the public only during the annual Autumn Festival.


This is a Goshuin (red ink stamp) you can get only in this shrine. You can also get a Goshuin-cho which has illustration of Atom and his friends playing *gagaku.


In this shrine, you can also get other "goshuin" with different characters drawn by Osamu Tezuka.


* Gagaku : traditional music handed down from Japan’s ancient times. It is being played mainly in shrines and imperial court ceremonies. It is solemn and calm music using instruments such as flutes and drums.


* Goshuin (red ink stamp) / Goshuin-cho (red ink stamp booklet) : a seal stamped to record a visit to a shrine or temple. It is stamped on a piece of paper or in a booklet.. The Goshuin-cho is a special booklet to collect multiple Goshuin. It is used to record memories of the trips and visits to shrines and temples.



Knowing Takarazuka’s Charms


A map that depicts places associated with Osamu Tezuka at The Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum


What was introduced in this article is only a small part of the Takarazuka which Osamu Tezuka loved.


He recalls his hometown Takarazuka as “ a city that contains all the elements embedded in his mangas”. This shows how much of an influence Takarazuka’s nature and traditions had on his sensibility and his work.


In The Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum, a map of places associated with him along with episodes of his childhood is on display. How about using it as a reference to stroll around Takarazuka area?




The Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum

Address:7-65 Mukogawa-cho Takarazuka-city Hyogo-prefecture 665-0844(Google map

Open:9:30~17:00(Last entry 16:30)

Closed:Every Monday ※For more details, please look at the calendar on the website.

Website: https://www.city.takarazuka.hyogo.jp.e.pc.hp.transer.com/tezuka/(English)



Takarazuka-Onsen Hotel Wakamizu

Address:9-25 Yumoto-cho Takarazuka-city Hyogo-prefecture 665-0003(Google map

Website: https://www.h-wakamizu.com/lg_en/



Iwashizu Shrine

Address:1-4-3 Isoshi Takarazuka-city Hyogo-prefecture 665-0033(Google map

Website: https://iwashidu-jinja.jp/(Only in Japanese ※Please use translation function)